Regulation 2024
Long stay


Registration at reception is mandatory for all people who access the premises, both to stay and to spend the day. They will be obliged to comply with the provisions of this Regulation and the Legislation of the Principality of Asturias that regulates tourist camping (Law of the Principality of Asturias 7/2001, of June 22, on Tourism and Decree 280/2007, of December 19, on the Camp Regulations). of Tourism, modified by Decrees 45/2011 of June 2 and 71/2018, of November 21) and to pay the rate corresponding to your stay at the entrance to the establishment.


Access to the Campsite is reserved for registered campers. Any other person must request entry permission at Reception. The Directorate reserves the right of admission, and if necessary, will expel (with the help of the security agents themselves and/or the State Security Forces and Bodies if necessary), any person who, through their behavior, disrupts the the peace and harmony of others or does not respect the rules of coexistence, morality and decency, as established in this regulation and, by default, in the legislation of the Principality of Asturias, where tourist camping is regulated.

Likewise, the company reserves the right to expel any person without identifying or registering who is within the Camping site, and may demand from both the person and the contract holder the amount corresponding to their stay in its maximum section and according to the type of contract.

The campsite is tourist accommodation, in no case a residence.


Minors, always over 16 years of age, may camp and spend the night at the Campsite independently, presenting in writing at Reception at the time of registration along with their identity document, a signed document with DNI authorization and the express consent of both parents must also be, and where appropriate, duly and expressly authorized by the owner of the plot where they are going to spend the night.

Registered campers who agree with other campers to allow minors other than their own to spend the night on their plot must notify the Reception, duly identifying the minors, assuming responsibility for them.

In the case of minors accompanied by one or more monitors, they must deliver to Reception at the time of registration the identification documentation of the minors for whom they are responsible and a copy of the express consent of both parents in each case, for the development of activity.

At all times they must comply with the regulations in force at the campsite and if not, said non-compliance may be grounds for unilateral termination of the contract without the right to compensation or compensation of any kind, and may result in their expulsion and also, if applicable, their most responsible, responding in all cases and for all purposes, the adult who authorizes their camping or stay in the premises.


For entry and access to the Camping facilities, the presentation of the corresponding ID or passport is mandatory, from the age of 14, as established by the regulations for tourist accommodation. As well as completing the documentation required for this by the Camping staff, in order to prove how many people are present at the Camping and their identity.

On June 15 (beginning of the summer season) long-stay campers must have signed and duly completed the contract in force corresponding to the season


It is mandatory for all clients to have in the caravan, tent or Mobil-home a copy of the contract in case of a long stay, or of the invoice in the case of ordinary clients, which may be requested at any time by the Camping staff.


The placement of caravans or tents on the pitches will be at the discretion of the Camping management.

The installation of caravans or tents can only be carried out between 08:00 and 00:00.

The removal of a Mobile Home is not permitted in the summer season.

To remove a long-stay client’s caravan, it will be necessary to sign the cancellation document at the campsite reception, as well as provide a deposit of €250, which will be refunded when the plot is completely clean and free of any material. ; Otherwise, it will be invoiced for plot cleaning. It can only be withdrawn once the fee corresponding to the month of departure of the caravan has been paid.

If the plot is not cleared of large volume items such as plastics, wood or items that require direct transfer to the landfill, the fee will be €500 for labor and will have to be paid before removing the caravan and in the moment of signing the withdrawal document. Likewise, the option is reserved to add the costs derived, if any, from its disposal in the landfill and they must be paid by the camper who removes the caravan.


The opening hours of the campsite will be as follows:

Winter Stay:

Friday 5:00 p.m. – Sunday 9:00 p.m.

Eve of Holidays 5:00 p.m.-12:00 p.m. and Holidays 8:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m.

(except months when the campsite is closed)

Summer Stay (06-15-23 to 09-15-23): Uninterrupted

In order to respect the rest of all campers, silence hours are mandatory. Absolute silence will be maintained between 12 at night and 8 in the morning.

The generally established hours of silence must in all cases be scrupulously respected. The use of amplified music is also prohibited at any time of day and will be considered excessive volume when it may cause discomfort to the rest of the campers.

Failure to comply with this rule may be grounds for unilateral termination of the contract without the right to compensation or compensation of any kind.


The hours for vehicle circulation on the premises are restricted to the hours between 00:00 and 08:00. During this time range, Camping users will be able to use the parking lot as long as they have free space.

Within the enclosure, only one vehicle per plot will be able to access it, which must remain parked within the limits of its plot and must have been previously registered at reception. No vehicle will be allowed to park on another’s plot even with permission from the owner of the plot. In this regard, it is the camper’s responsibility to have the license plate of the vehicle associated with their pitch updated in the reception record, allowing only one license plate change to be communicated each year.

The maximum speed allowed within the Campsite will be 10 km/h.

The use of other types of vehicles such as bicycles, scooters, etc. within the campsite will also be subject to the traffic rules established within the Campsite and to the existing vertical and horizontal signage (barriers, signals, mirrors, lanes…), with total preference for pedestrians over any type of vehicle, and to the use of the appropriate protective elements. It is strictly prohibited to exceed the generally established traffic speed and park said vehicles outside of the assigned plots or spaces specially reserved for this purpose. In the event of non-compliance with the rules and/or an accident involving a minor, the person responsible will in all cases be the parent or legal guardian of the minor, which may result in the imposition of sanctions by the Camping. regardless of the responsibility derived from the event.

Handling of cars is not permitted within the Camping grounds (oil changes, washes, repairs…)

It is totally prohibited to step on, park or maneuver within free plots; If a car is detected parked in a free lot, the daily rate for the car and lot drawn on the invoice for the current month will be charged.

The campsite makes parking spaces available in the Parking area to its long-stay and glamping clients who have communicated their license plates at Reception when formalizing their contract. In no other case is availability of a parking space guaranteed in the aforementioned parking lot. In any case, customers are requested to use it responsibly, parking in the areas delimited for this purpose and without blocking the entry or exit of vehicles, both within the parking lot and in the barrier area.

“It is prohibited inside any of the closed facilities of the campsite (restaurant, cafeteria, sanitary blocks, reception, and especially bungalows…), the introduction of any personal mobility vehicle in any of its modalities: Two-wheeled electric scooter , Electric unicycle, Segway, Hoverboard, Electric Skateboard, and any other that may fall within the aforementioned definition, electric or with batteries, with the exception of vehicles for people with reduced mobility. This measure responds to public health and safety criteria, based on the dangerous situation derived from fires caused by batteries, due to manipulation, damage or the use of inappropriate chargers. Failure to comply with this measure may result in the expulsion of the user from the camping facilities.”

“Circulation with electric scooters, unicycles or other personal mobility devices inside the campsite must be carried out exclusively on its road (not on sidewalks or pedestrian areas), in accordance with the signage and speed limitations established on the roads. For any other type of vehicle, maximum limit of 10 km/h. Specifically complying with the following traffic regulations:

  • Minimum age to drive 16 years.
  • Mandatory use of helmet.
  • Mandatory use of lights at night.
  • It is prohibited to transport more than 1 person on the scooter.
  • The owner must provide a circulation certificate that includes a QR code proving that the electric scooter meets the technical requirements demanded by the regulations. This requirement has a transitional regime: those sold after January 22, 2024 will be certified. The above may circulate without certification until January 22, 2027.
  • Users cannot drive it having consumed alcohol or drugs.
  • Users cannot drive with headphones on, nor use a cell phone or any other device while driving.

9.   VISITS.

Visits will not be allowed in any case, anyone who accesses the campsite must be correctly registered, with the corresponding payment of the indicated rate.  It will be mandatory to wear the identification bracelet visible on the wrist.

10.   PETS

Owners of pets who are or stay at CAMPA BELLAMAR SL. They must comply with the provisions of Law 7/2023, of March 28, on the protection of the rights and well-being of animals, with respect to the obligations and prohibitions imposed by said regulation, or regulations that replace it.

Any client who wishes to bring a pet into the Camping has the obligation to register it at Reception and have the certificate corresponding to current veterinary-health regulations updated, a copy of which must be attached at the time of registration.

Without prejudice to the above and, in the case of dogs of breeds declared as potentially dangerous by the Asturian regional regulations, entry to the premises will be permitted as long as the animal is accompanied at all times by the person holding the permit to possess potentially dangerous animals. dangerous. The owner of the animal must previously present at Reception the documentation proving the aforementioned special permit, the current insurance and the updated vaccination record of the animal, copies of which will remain at Reception for records. Likewise, the animal must be muzzled in common areas and kept tied at all times in its plot, mobile home, caravan or motorhome. The campsite may restrict entry to all campers who do not present the required documentation.

Owners must take appropriate measures to prevent pets from roaming freely around the Campsite and accessing common areas or plots other than their own. In order to facilitate coexistence in a hygienic and civic environment, in the event that pets relieve themselves inside the campsite, it is mandatory that the owner collect it and dispose of the bag in the containers outside the Campsite.

Animals must be restrained at all times by a person when entering or leaving the enclosure.

During the night, they will remain inside the tent, caravan, motorhome, mobile home or corresponding camping element.

The presence and stay of pets in the establishment and facilities of CAMPA BELLAMAR SL. will be subject to the following rules:

Common areas and spaces

  • Pets must remain in the common areas and spaces together with their owners, complying with the safety standards that are required of them, so that they do not put the integrity of the rest of the clients, staff of the establishment or their own at risk. .
  • In particular, cats and ferrets must remain in these areas in their carrier. Dogs may be in a carrier or with a collar and leash that meets regulatory requirements, as well as a muzzle, when applicable.
  • It is prohibited to feed pets in common areas and spaces outside of places specifically enabled for this purpose. The client must have tools designed for this.
  • Owners of pets are obliged to collect any defecation and urine that may occur in these areas.
  • The presence of pets is prohibited in the following areas and common spaces: Hotel Román Rooms, Indoor dining room of the Hotel Román, Playground and children’s room, Playground, Parking, Dining room and interior of Sidrería Las Gaviotas, Bathrooms – Showers – Camping sinks and Safari Tents. These places will be properly signposted.
  • Owners of the pets must ensure that the pets do not cause annoying noises that could prevent the rest of the clients from resting.
  • Pets may not be left alone in the accommodation unit. They must always have the presence of their owners.
  • Owners of pets must prevent them from climbing on the beds, armchairs and other furniture in the bungalows.
  • Owners of pets must refrain from using bathtubs, showers, sinks and other toilets to bathe them.

The pets whose presence is allowed in the hotel establishment are limited to the following classes:

or cats

or dogs

or ferrets

o Others: Pets, to consult.

Entry to the campsite with so-called exotic animals is prohibited.

The access and permanence of assistance dogs belonging to the Armed Forces and State Security Forces and Corps that are on duty is permitted, in accordance with their specific legislation, as well as the access, permanence and accommodation of assistance dogs of people with disabilities who need it.

The access, permanence and accommodation of assistance dogs for people with disabilities is subject to the provisions of regional regulations. You must carry and display the document proving your identity, the bonding unit card and the official health documentation of the assistance dog.

You must keep your assistance dog identification badge placed in a visible place, on the dog’s collar or harness, in addition to the microchip required by animal protection/health regulations.

You must keep the assistance dog at your side with the appropriate restraint and safety measures in accordance with its breed.

Access of assistance dogs is prohibited in food handling areas and exclusive access to hotel establishment staff; swimming pool water.

Access to assistance dogs for people with disabilities may be denied in the following circumstances:

In case of serious imminent danger for the user, for a third person or for the assistance dog itself.

When the animal presents symptoms of illness, expressed alternatively or accumulated through signs of fever, abnormal alopecia, diarrheal stools, abnormal secretions, signs of skin parasitosis, wounds that, due to their size or appearance, pose a presumed risk to people or are evident. lack of cleanliness or attention.

11.      GARBAGE

The garbage bags will be deposited inside the containers for this purpose that are located at the entrance to the Campsite. It is not allowed to deposit outside the containers. The camper who deposits bulky objects outside the containers will be directly responsible for them and the sanctions caused by said action. Bulky objects must be removed in accordance with regulations by calling 98550776, agreeing on the day, time and place of collection.

The trash cans located in the campsite are not located for container purposes, so it will be prohibited to deposit garbage bags inside them.

12.  WATER

Watering is strictly prohibited.

13.   GAMES.

Play is allowed in the areas designated for it, and it is prohibited to play in the bathrooms-showers-sinks, in the vehicle circulation lanes, parking, camping areas, free plots and in any place on the Campsite that represents a nuisance to another camper and coexistence or carries a risk.

The parents or legal guardians of minors are responsible for their compliance with the rules established at the campsite at all times.

In the event of non-compliance with the rules and/or an incident that causes a minor, even unintentionally, the person responsible will in all cases be the father/mother or legal guardian of the minor, which may result in the imposition of sanctions by the minor. of the Camping, regardless of the responsibility derived from the event.


It is strictly prohibited to open and/or manipulate any electrical panel, this being the sole and exclusive power of the Camping staff.

It is the responsibility of every camper to have the electrical installation in good working order and use. In order to prove its perfect state of security.

Likewise, it will be the responsibility of every camper to maintain the electrical installation of their camping element in perfect condition of operation and use, being obliged to periodically carry out, when the campground management requires it, a basic review of it by an authorized installer. , having to provide a copy of the certification issued to the Camping Management, prior to signing the contract.


Any camper who wishes to use butane or propane gas cylinders will be obliged to have an authorized company inspect the LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gases) installation and devices every 4 years or have an official maintenance service contracted. The responsibility in the event of any accident or consequence derived from the poor condition of the facility will be the sole responsibility of the camper.

16. PLOTS.

It is prohibited to carry out any work on the plots, as well as the construction or installation of any fixed or permanent element. Expressly, any type of planting within the plots is prohibited, as is the execution of any work or reform that affects them, and in case of doubt you must always consult the Camping Management:

  • It is prohibited to have concreted, siliconed, or tiles fixed to the surface in any way. Only tiles that are placed on the surface, without any fixing, and that exclusively mark the entrance to the caravan or fix the trailer to the floor will be permitted (they must be placed aligned in rows of a maximum of two around the trailer and the kitchen). All tiles that do not comply with this standard will have to be removed, with 40cm pebbled tiles being the only model permitted.
  • In the winter season, any element that delimits the plot, as well as decorative elements, such as pots, lamps, figures or decorative fences, must be removed.
  • All structures other than the caravan or trailer, such as gazebos, must also be removed during the winter season.

It should be noted on this last point, that regardless of what the Concierge determines and the Camping allows, any material or structure that is outside the caravan during the winter season is not subject to any compensation and/or insurance against any damage. that may be suffered, and however, the owner will be responsible for any damage that may be caused to other campers or to the Camping facilities.

In addition, there are the following prohibitions,

  • Put awnings over caravans, trailers and kitchens.
  • The over-advances.
  • Fasten the TV antenna masts to the walls or fences (railings) of the Campsite.
  • Install sinks in outdoor plots.
  • Have washing machines visible outside the entrance or kitchen.
  • Spread trite on the plots.
  • Hang clothing in prohibited places
  • Materials such as methacrylate, fences, enclosures, wood…
  • Inflatable pools or any other type. An exception will be made for the very small ones, which must have a maximum volume of water equivalent to a standard dishwashing pot.


The use of barbecues is allowed as long as atmospheric conditions allow it, they are used responsibly and there is no disturbance to other campers.

It is strictly prohibited to light an open fire within the Camping grounds.

Any incident in relation to this point will be the responsibility of the client who owns the plot.

Data from
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